Our dreams are the most personal thing about us, and yet they guide our social and public lives. I once saw a quote from Swami Vivekananda which has stuck with me through the years. “Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life. Think of it, dream of it, live on that idea”, he said, and I agree. Our dreams require determination and commitment to materialize. Bringing a dream to life is, ultimately, the most rewarding path we can take in our lives.


Being an entrepreneur has defined my life. When I use that word to describe myself, I don’t limit it to describing a career choice. In all honesty, I see it more as a way to seek fulfillment. Chasing our dreams is a process of transformation. The road to everything that is REAL, was once a dream.  I have always been driven by my dreams and acting on that inspiration has taught me a lot as well. Pursuing any idea that is bold will bring you face to face with the risk of failure. At such times, all that keeps your dreams alive is your grit and determination.


“The game is not over until I win”

Some of my favourite sporting memories are examples of great grit. I still remember being glued to the television, watching Swedish tennis great Bjorn Borg win what was to be his last Wimbledon title. The final he played against John McEnroe included a fourth set tie-breaker that lasted an astonishing 22 minutes! As dramatic as such a great sporting spectacle such is, overcoming real life challenges is a far greater testament to human will, endurance and determination. The wonderful thing about life is that, unlike a sporting contest, you cannot be defeated until you give up. The clock only runs out with the end of life itself. It’s not a matter of being behind on goals, runs or points at “full time”. In the game of life you only lose when you give up.


On the subject of determination, let me point out that it can easily be seen as ‘crazy’, ‘risky’ – or something similarly negative – by people around you. This is so commonplace that it should almost be expected. Treat such people with kindness; they are looking out for you. They are not consumed by your dream and so they are not calculating the odds from your perspective. Listen with an open mind to the suggestions of those that do not share your belief. An opposing perspective can be an asset and resource, that helps you to refine your dream.


Every language in the world seems to have a proverb that conveys the idea: “hope for the best and prepare for the worst”. This combination of optimism and realism is the perfect balance for anyone hoping to bring a dream to life. One needs the optimism to imagine a new way, something that does not yet exist, and the realism to be prepared to overcome every hurdle to make it happen.


Come what may, never give in

We are all in awe of our heroes. All of us seek inspiration from those who have succeeded in doing something we would like to emulate. As my life as an entrepreneur progressed, I was lucky enough to draw inspiration from the lives of several outstanding mentors, peers and colleagues. To this day, many of those I would refer to unhesitatingly as being my personal heroes are not ‘famous’, or those who I have read about in biographical accounts. Each of these individuals has been unique but they have some common traits, which I have tried to incorporate in my own life.


Perhaps the most obvious qualities I have seen, in those who make their dreams come true, is self-belief and the humility to do hard work. None of the individuals that I saw overcoming great odds spent any time making excuses. They were too busy being committed to a course of action by investing their efforts and energy into it. These individuals didn’t dwell on the negative, become overwhelmed by the discouragement, take constructive criticism personally or be too concerned with seeking approval. In my opinion, avoiding these common mistakes is a key enabler of success.


There are of course things to do as well – as opposed to mistakes to avoid – for achieving success. To be honest, I believe that this second list is actually quite short. People are generally fairly unique and find their own ways to achieve their goals and overcome obstacles, but the things common to those that do, are a fierce and total commitment and never giving up. There is nothing impossible for the person who simply refuses to be limited by their perception of what is possible.


Accept your dream as a personal commitment

In my opinion, each human being is born with the inherent capacity to leave the world a better place than when they became part of it. None of us is the same and therefore no one else can make our personal vision of what is possible come true. A dream is not only a whim or a fantasy, although it does often begin as such. A dream is a map for the voyage from what is, to what is possible. Recognizing the magic of something as unique and personal, as a dream, allows us to see it as a gift we have to give to the world. Once you recognize this, there can be no turning back. No challenge too hard for your determination and problem solving skills. Dream, dear reader, and strive to the best of your ability to make it come true. All our lives will be enriched by the fact that you did.